Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving :) + ABC's of Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving friends!  As I reflect on the day I can't help but think about how thankful I am for so many things and how much I'm blessed.  I'm SO thankful for John and Comet and the rest of my family.  I love sitting around a table, enjoying great food and having good conversation.  I also saw an idea on a friend's blog about her ABC's of what she's thankful for, so I'm going to steal it :)  My sisters are sitting here and are influencing some of the answers...

A = Attitude. 
B = Books.  I love to read.  Biggest Loser.
C = Comet.  He's my boy.  My sister Cate & my brother Caleb.  And coffee.  And Chipotle. 
D = Devotion. 
E = My sister Erin and Hannah's boyfriend Ethan.
F = My faith, my family & my friends.  I love my parents and my sisters and brother. 
G =  Grace.  Giving the homeless people my lunch. 
H = My sister Hannah & good health.  And honesty.  
I = Intelligence.  Inspiration. 
J = My fabulous husband John.  He is my everything. 
K = Kisses & Hugs. 
L = The gift of life. And love. 
M = Marriage. 
N = Night.  I love sleeping.  
O = Opportunities. 
P = My parents. 
Q = Quilts.  I love snuggling up with a homemade quilt. 
R = Respect - I am continually thankful for people who are respectful of my opinions. 
S = School.  It's frustrating sometimes, but it's so great.  And Samson. 
T = Straight teeth.  I'm so thankful my parents paid for my smile. 
U =University of Minnesota. 
V = Vision.  And voice.  I love to sing.  And volunteering. 
W = Water that's clean. 
X = Xcel Energy Center.  John loves hockey, therefore I love hockey :)
Y = My youth group kids.  And youth group in general. 
Z = Zoo's.  I love going to the zoo. 

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